This study attempted to measure the use of picture in education descriptive text in improving the students' writing skill at seventh grade of SMP Negeri Karang Jaya, and students' motivation in learning descriptive text through the pictures. The pattern of this enquiry is quantitative which employ pre experimental design. It means with one group pretest and posttest blueprint. Experiment is designed to collect data in such a way that threats to the reability and validity of the enquiry are ministered (Nunan, 1993:47). The enquiry will applied pre-exam, treatment, post-test design to know the extant of moving-picture show as medium of educational activity descriptive text improve the students' writing skill and to increment the students' motivation in joining the larning process at the 7th grade of SMP Negeri Karang Jaya. INTRODUCTION There are four skills in English they are speaking, writing, reading and listening. Writing is one of the important attribute in learning English. Writing is a very complex process which included planning what to write, traslating ideas into the text, and reviewing is what has been written (Hayes and Flower, 1966). Writing tin can be seen equally 2 different views. They are the product of that writing and the process of writing (Harmer, 2001 & 2007; and Chocolate-brown, 2001). When writing is seen as the product, the attention is placed on the final product of writing such as the essay, the report, the story or what the product should "look" like (Brown, 2001: 335). It ways that the writing should (a) run across certain standard of prescribed English rhetorical style, (b) reflect authentic grammer, and (c) be organized in conformity with what the audience would exist conventional. In other words, the value of the end production is the main thing to exist focused on rather than the process of writing itself (Harmer, 2007: 325). The researcher conducted her first observation at SMP Negeri Karang Jaya at 7 form. From the data, the researcher has plant some problems faced by the students in writing form. First, from students' side, the students have lack of writing skill. It happened considering in the learning process, the students were lazy and feel agape to brand mistake, they practise not care and practise not pay attention when the teacher explained the lesson, they have less opportunity to

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The Use of Pictures in Pedagogy Descriptive Text to Amend

Students' Writing Skill

Ersih Lesnussa

Universitas Iqra Buru, Maluku

Hanapi Hanapi

Universitas Iqra Buru, Maluku

Riki Bugis

Universitas Iqra Buru, Maluku

Nanik Handayani

Universitas Iqra Buru, Maluku


This report attempted to measure the utilise of picture show in teaching descriptive text in improving

the students' writing skill at seventh course of SMP Negeri Karan1000 Jaya, and students'

motivation in learning descriptive text through the pictures. The pattern of this research is

quantitative which utilise pre experimental design. Information technology ways with one grouping pretest and

posttest pattern. Experiment is designed to collect data in such a way that threats to the

reability and validity of the enquiry are ministered (Nunan, 1993:47). The research will

applied pre-test, handling, post-test pattern to know the extant of pic as medium of

teaching descriptive text improve the students' writing skill and to increase theast students'

motivation in joining the larning process at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri Karang Jaya.

Keywords pictures, descriptive text, writing skill


In that location are four skills in English they are speaking, writing, reading and listening.

Writing is 1 of the important aspect in learning English. Writing is a very complex procedure

which included planning what to write, traslating ideas into the text, and reviewing is what

has been written (Hayes and Bloom, 1966).

Writing can be seen as ii unlike views. They are the product of that writing and the

process of writing (Harmer, 2001 & 2007; and Brown, 2001). When writing is seen as the

production, the attention is placed on the final product of writing such equally the essay, the report, the

story or what the production should "expect‟ like (Dark-brown, 2001: 335). It means that the writing should

(a) meet certain standard of prescribed English rhetorical style, (b) reflect accurate grammar, and

(c) be organized in conformity with what the audience would exist conventional. In other words, the

value of the end production is the main thing to be focused on rather than the procedure of writing itself

(Harmer, 2007: 325).

The researcher conducted her first observation at SMP Negeri Thousandarang Jaya at Vii

course. From the data, the researcher has plant some issues faced by the students in writing

class. First, from students' side, the students accept lack of writing skill. It happened because in

the learning process, the students were lazy and feel agape to make mistake, they exercise not intendance

and do not pay attention when the teacher explained the lesson, they have less opportunity to


interact actively or explore their idea in teaching and learning procedure. Second, from the

teacher'southward side, the observation shown that the instructor did not employ any of good media in

didactics and used monotonous approach in teaching and learning process.

Base on the statement higher up, the researcher is interested to carry out a research

entitled "THE Apply OF Motion-picture show IN Teaching Clarification TEXT TO IMPROVE



Based on the previous caption, the research questions of this study can be

formulated equally follows:

1. Tin the use of motion-picture show in pedagogy descriptive text meliorate the students' writing skill at

7th grade of SMP Negeri Karang Jaya?

two. Can the use of pic motivate the students of seventh grade of SMP Negeri Karang Jaya

in teaching descriptive text?


Generally, writing is a way in sending message from the writer to the reader.

According to Donald Hall in his book "writing well " stated that writing is pretentious and

wordy, but a message comes through. Writing besides is a way the writer think or a mode of

thinking which is shared to the reader, like Robert school and Comley (1985) said that writing

is a way of thinking also as a means of communication. White (1986) also said that writing

is more than public communication; it is a mode of thinking.

Writing is one of the language skills which is important in our life. Through writing,

the author tin inform others, carry out transactions, persuade, infuriate, and tell what we feel.

Notwithstanding, people know that writing or learning to write especially in a second language is not

only a matter of "writing things down". It is i of the four basic skills that are very

complex and difficult to learn. In Word reference (2010), writing is one of the ways to give an

idea or message which is class in writing on a piece of paper or the other expanse. It is an act of

making marks on sure surface. Specifically, writing is ane kind of expression in language

which is created by particular set of symbol, having conventional values for representing the

wordings of particular language which is drawn upwards visually.

From the opinions aboveast, it could be concluded that writing is the manner of thinking or

sending message from the writer to the reader which becomes the part of language or

language skills and information technology also ways of advice.

Basically, writing ways producing or reproducing oral message into written

language. Information technology involves an active process to organize, codify and develop ideas on the paper

then that readers tin can follow the writers' message. Beside, writing skill requires an authentic and

precise grammer, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and vocabulary Bram (in Meldi, 2001).

Kroma (1988) described that writing is a kind of activeness where the author expresses all

the ideas in his heed in the paper from words to sentence, judgement to paragraph and from

paragraph to essay. Similarly, Lindblom (1983) defined that writing is a style of learning to

focus on our mind to an important matters, and of learning about thechiliad. It is in line with

Ghaith (2002) who described that writing is a complete process that allows writer to explore

thoughts and ideas and brand them visible and physical.

The trend of the teaching of writing, which is focused on product-oriented

approach, more than and more moved to an try which is focused on procedure writing that led to

the last product. Goffiman and Berkowitz (1990) described that writing process strategy can

help the learners to notice ideas as many equally possible, starting from the moment they think about

want to write until they edit paragraph for the final product. Henceforth, they stated that

the writing procedure refers to everything a author does from the moment he starts thinking

about what to write until the final re-create is completed.


The writing procedure strategy has the reward for the students to produce the

paragraph. Farris (1993) reported that writing process strategy is very useful activity in

helping learners to make paragraph. They can start writing from the moment of prewriting,

drafting, revising and editing

Related to the process of writing, many writers accept a different nomenclature of

stages. Christenson (2002) mentioned that there are 5 stages of the writing process i.e.

prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. In the aforementioned line, Christenson (2002)

argued that process of writing is a strategy that can facilitate the learners in producing skillful

paragraph. Through writing process strategy, the learners tried to think on how to kickoff

generating and listing ideas in prewriting until the terminal copy is completed.

Farris (1993) stated that the stages of procedure writing include the sequence of

prewriting, writing, rewriting, and publishing. Co-ordinate to Goffman and Berkowitz (1990),

the stages of the writing procedure are prewriting, drafting, revising, editing. For the aforementioned

things, Gere (1992) classified the process of writing into: prewriting, drafting, revising, and

editing. Like to Gere. Depdiknas (2003) described the steps of writing are, pre-writing,

writing draft (drafting), re-writing (revising and editing), and publishing.

Heald-Taylor (1986) describes her method in the following w ay: "process writing is

an approach which encourages ESL youngsters to communicate their own written message

while simultaneously developing their literacy skills in speaking and reading rather than

delaying involvement in the writing process, equally advocated in the past, until students have

perfected their abilities in handwriting, reading, phonetics, spelling, grammar and

punctuation. In process writing the communication of the bulletin is paramount and therefore

the developing, and inaccurate, attempts in handwriting spelling and grammar are accepted,

know that within the process of regular writing opportunities students volition gain control of

these sub-skills. These skills are further developed in individual and pocket-sized grouping briefing


In accordance with stages in a higher place, the writing procedure stages used in this study are pre-

writing, writing typhoon (drafting), re-writing (revising and editing).

a. Prewriting

There are some important in this stages likes the selecting and exploring topic about

which to write, listing thdue east ideas related to selected topic and then try to brand views outline

about what will be written. Every bit the preparation stage, prewriting is too deals with a series of

strategies designed to detect, gather and produce information nigh a certain topic in writing.

Christenson (2002) elaborated that, pre-writing involves everything the writer does earlier

beginning the actual task of writing, including activity groundwork knowledge, generating of

ideas and making plans for approaching the writing chore. Motivation and simulation are also

the important parts in pre-writing phase considering the writing process will be carried out easily,

if the students have glad feeling. The students' enthusiasm for writing will be existing when

they immune choosing the relevant topic or personal topic. In this example, the teacher should

give great attention near the students' interest and the topic called.

In this heating phase, the teacher relies on activities that can provide students' bones

feel, likes a tour, filyard. Besides, the teacher guide the students' about personal

experience, likes favorite things that students' have or the themes that students are going to

learn. Basically, there are several strategies for searching ideas in prewriting stages, but only

few of them are more oftentimes and widely used i.e. brainstorming, clustering and listing

(Carderonnello and Edward 1986). Similar to clustering, brainstorming are also a good

technique to generate ideas. Smalley and Reutten (2001) explained that brainstorming is a

sudden insight or connectedness. Brainstorming is a way to acquaintance ideas and stimulate

thinking. Information technology permits writers to approach a topic with an open listen. The writers practice not guess


their ideas equally they emerge. In brainstorming, writers can kickoff with a word or phrase and let

their thought go in whatever management they will.

A fun mode to generate ideas for comparison paragraphs. Cook (2004) stated that one

of the challenging aspect of writing is finding something to write almost. Specific teacher

called topic may not be considered interesting past students. On the other manus, if students

asks almost "annihilation" they may find themselves overwhelmed. In his article, he offered one

fun way and easy to generate topics for comparison paragraph; using this method, teachers

have a small degree of control over the topic, and students accept parameters within which to

piece of work creatively.

The method is meant to a higher place is the "pre -class preparation." This activeness should be done

after students have learnt the basics of paragraph writing, that is to say, they should know how

to write paragraph containing a topic sentence, three points and supporting data, and a

final statement.

b. Writing typhoon (drafting)

The second stage of writing process is writing typhoon. In this activeness, the learner tries to

write the sentences and the focus of activeness is writing of content. Information technology likewise necessary for the

instructor to suggest that the students don't be agape about any mistake. Besides, the teacher is

ready to aid the students who find some difficulty in writing and fifty-fifty, teacher should brand

conference. In conference, the teacher may ask 'what are the students writing? Do they have

any problems? Or some others that related closely foe students writing development. On the

contrary, the students may ask the instructor about everything concern with writing

evolution. Equally what Brown (2001) described that drafting is the core of process writing. In

relation to view above, Smalley and Reutten (2001) elaborated that drafting is the actual

writing of the paragraph. This is the time for writers to go their ideas and thoughts,

composing crude drafts based upon prewriting and planning action and considerations. Every bit

they compose, author begins to decide what to include and exclude, and to brand initial

decisions nigh how these ideas begin to evolve; while writing first typhoon, author should focus

on getting meaning down on newspaper, but they should not exist overly concerned with grammatical

correctness. In process writing, drafting is viewed as important strategy.


Re-writing is also chosen "revising" means the teacher makes improvements about

some mistakes that students washed. Students reorganize and sequence relevant ideas, add or

delete them to brand the significant clear. Calderonella and Edwards (1986) elaborated the

revising is a process of rethinking and chancing what is written. In this stage, the students

usually work harder because the students' writing should be corrected, improved and

perfected. The students must re-read their writing advisedly for knowing or assessing whether

their writing is good, both grammar, wording, and content. Raimes (1983) expressed that, in

the draft you lot accept written do far, you have been urged not to worry about grammar, sentences

construction, or spelling because you would have opportunity to piece of work them after. In this stage,

that is correcting and improving learners' second or 3rd typhoon. He will get assist form his

classmates and his teacher. He will look closely at content, grammer, spelling, and style.

Therefore, Goffman and Berkowitz (1990) suggested that there are four techniques

that can assist writers revise their draft: (ane) read the typhoon aloud to a friend, (2) read the draft

backwards, (3) put the draft aside for a while and do something completely dissimilar, and (iv)

read the typhoon to your selves and enquire yourself the revising questions. Ghaith (2002) suggested

that to revise draft for content and clarity of pregnant, the student can use revising guideless.

Coleman (2003) stated that oft second language students struggle with the edition

and revision portion of the writing process. They focus offset on the grammatical problems in the

paper and overlook important structural bug. In his hand out, offers a systemic organized

format that students can follow to analyze and revise their ain work. For this handout, global


revision consists of an overall analysis of the structure of the construction and content of an

essay, and surface revision consists of an analysis of papers' grammar, punctuation, discussion use,

etc. and the sentence level. There are 2 department nether each revision category, Questions to

Ask, includes a lists of questions that students tin asks themselves nearly their essays, the

second, Revision Strategies, provides specific methods that students can immediately apply

in their writing.

d. Publishing

Publishing is the last stage of writing process. In this stage, the students turn their

attention from the major substance of a paragraph to its conventional feature (spelling,

capitalization, and punctuation). Then, the students tin practice proofreading activity individually

or in pairs using guidelines. Raimess (1992) stated that proofreading is a unique type of

reading in which students read slowly, word past word, hunting for errors rather than reading

quickly for morning. In this stage, the students besides try to produce, to convey or to read their

writing effect to the audience or to their classmate. They feel could write and they want their

writing be reflected.

Writing Cess

According to Brown (2004) stated that in designing cess task, thereastward are two

parts, imitative writing and intensive (controlled) writing. Imitative writing includes: writing

letters, words, punctuation, spelling task, and detecting phoneme grapheme

correspondences. In intensive (controlled) writing includes: dictation and dicto-comp,

grammatical transformation task, pic cued task, vocabulary cess task, ordering task,

and brusk- answer and sentence completion job.

In writing students will rely on at to the lowest degree four types of noesis. They are: cognition

of the content, procedural knowledge to organize the content, noesis of convention of

writing, and procedural noesis required. O'Malley and Piere (1990) asserted that these

4 types of knowledge used in writing have at least ii implications for writing assessment

with ELL students. First, writing assessment should evaluate more aspects of writing that simply

mechanic and grammer. Second, writing assessment should capture some of the processes and


Process assessment is kind of on going assessment used to go on track of students'

progress in writing in which counting the number (shore) of the composition is not regarded

(Tompkins, 1991). Process assessment is designed to probe how the students write, the

decision they make equally they write, and the strategies they use. Therefore, the aim of process

assessment is to give information about the students' functioning such equally how far the

students' progress in writing and whether whatsoever change is needed in the way of instruction

strategy or not.

Product cess focuses on the assessing the students' final composition. Dealing

with writing product, it can be assessed through employing some methods of scoring. Cohen

(in Salija, 2004) divides the scoring methods into three types: holistic analytic, primary trait,

and analytic scoring rubric. The holistic is used when a teacher attempts to appraise the overall

proficiency level of composition based on overall impression. Here, the instructor assigns a

unmarried course/score the writing sample with specified scoring criteria. In this example the writing

samples are viewed every bit integrated whole. The main trait is used when a teacher gives

emphasis on a particular feature of composition. The score are assigned holistically on the

basis of a certain feature of the writing that is being emphasized. This method focuses on

whether or non each newspaper shows evidence of the particular feature the teacher wants to the

learner to demonstrate in writing. The analytic Scoring rubric is a scoring used when a

teacher wants to separate the features of limerick into components for scoring purposes,

and each component scored separately. By this method, the grade is more reliable because the

teachers' criteria are more focused. Another advertvantage of analytic scoring is that providing


more precise diagnostic feedback tin be provided to the students, O'Malley and Pierce (in

Salija, 2004).

Descriptive Text.

Descriptive Text is a text which has social purpose to give an business relationship of imagined or

factual events (Hyland, 2004:214). Hyland explains more than almost description that it tends to utilize

present tense, and decription makes apply of "be" and "take".

In that location are 3 stages within a descriptive text:

i. Identification :has purpose to ascertain, to classify or generalize near phenomenon.

2. Aspect :has purpose to describe attributes of each category of the phenomenon.

3. Determination :has purpose to sum up the description.

Harwell and dorril (1976:19) explain that the twofold purpose of description is to share

sense impressions and to record thoughts and feelings stimulated by those impressions, in

other words, they are both an objective relaying of sense data and a subjective interpretation

of that information.

Descriptive text is a text which describes person, place, mood, situation, and etc. In

words. Similar to Wilbur (1966) said that descriptive writing is to create a articulate movie or

impression of person, place or object. White (1986) also said that descriptive text is drawing

in words.

Descriptive text is besides a text which describes something that appeal directly to the

sense similar Warriner (198ii) said that descriptive paragraph is giving a moving-picture show in words that

appeal straight to the sense (sight, sound, aroma, affect, taste). He said a descriptive paragraph

is usually full of vivid verbs and precise adjectives. Information technology depends on details, non action, to hold

the readers interest.

Meanwhile, Co-ordinate to Barnet and stubbs's (1983), " Descriptive represents in words

our sensory impressions caught in a moment of time. In much descriptive writing visual

imagery dominates.

From the opinion about descriptive above, so the writer concludes that the descriptive

text is a text which is describes person, identify, mood, situation, and etc, it also describes an

object that appeal to the sense.

Besides that, descriptive text has several elements like Lila Fink, phyllis Levy, Miller,

and Brewer (1983) said that at that place are some elements of clarification.

They are:

a. Physical details. A physical particular is a specific description that back up, reflects, or

expands a writer's attitude or purpose.

Example: The modern math educatee, using a calculator instead of a slide rule, makes

speedy and accurate calculations.

b. Images. An image is a concrete, literal ( existent, actual) descriptive of person, physical

object, or sensory experience that can be known through ane of the five sense (sight,

sound, gustatory modality, bear upon, and smell).

Case: lightning crackled and sizzled across the darkened sky. (sound and sight).

The orange calico kitten's bristled tongue scratched its way across my cheek. (sight and

affect; concrete details)

c. Similes. A simile is a comparing, using similar or as, between 2 objects. The comparison

is between ii things substantially different all the same similar in 1 aspect.

Example: Anger heated up in me similar water virtually to boil.

The lecturer was as exciting and informative as stale beer.

Definition of Picture

The teaching and learning process is viewed every bit an integrated part. It means that the

result of the teaching-learning procedure will be adamant by the roles of all components


involved. I also implies, for the instructor, that deciding what visual aids to be employed is i

of the essential decisions that must be made in making an instructional design.

The purpose of using media in the instruction is to assure that learners have

meaningful experience. For this purpose, the instructor may use pictures in many stages of the

instructional process to innovate and motivate study of new topics, to analyze conceptions and

to communicate basic infomation (Brown et al, 1977:182).

I definition of picture is a two-dimensional visual representative of persons,and

things. A picture show may not only exist worth yard words but it thousanday also exist worth a m

years or a g kilometres. A movie is besides simple idue north that it can be drawn, printed,or

photographically processed and it can exist mounted for preservation for the use in the future

(Minor, 1978:2).

Brown et al (1977:179) says that pictures provide for most people critical contacts

with the existent world. As students use still pictures, they may meliorate their visual literacy. For

instance, report of even so pictures may help them to comprehend various abstractions. Past

experiences may provide clues to learning from withal pictres in must the same fashion that

phonetics or contextual lues assist in reading verbal materials.

"Flat moving-picture show may be used to reinforce impressions, add new facts or clarity the

meanings of abstractions. They bargain with experiential matters and enlist the viewers' own

capacities for collection and recall (Brown et al, 1977:180)."

Furthermore experienced instructors find many valuable uses for still picture.

Research and experience show that:

a. Pictures stimulate students involvement

b. Properly selected and adopted, movie aid readers to understand and remember the

content of accompanying exact materials.

c. Verbal and/or symbolic cueing of yet pictures through utilise of arrows or other marks can

analyze-or possibly change-the message intended to be comminicated by them


Inquiry Blueprint

The design of this research is quantitative which utilize pre experimental design. It

means with one group pretest and posttest design. Experiment is designed to collect data in

such a way that threats to the reability and validity of the research are ministered (Nunan,

1993:47). The research will applied pre-examination, treatment, post-exam blueprint to know the extant of

picture as medium of teaching descriptive text improve the students' writing skill and to

increase the students' motivation in joining the larning process at the 7th grade of SMP

Negeri Karang Jaya.

So the researcher volition deport the research to the status of the students' ability.

The method of the research is pre-experimental design that aim to know the different score

before and afterward the treatment, and to know how effective of this media motivate the students

in joining the writing subject.

Population and Sample

According to Arikunto (2003: 115), population is defined as a fix (or collection) of all

elements possessing ane or more than attibutes of involvement.

The researcher volition behave her inquiry in the seventh grade of SMP Negeri Karang

Jaya. It consists of 4 classes, the total number of the population is 66 students.

Based on Arikunto (2013:109), sample is a role that can represent all the population

observed. Information technology is called sample research when the researcher wants to generalize the sample of

enquiry result.

In this research, the researcher uses census technique in selecting the sample. Since the

7th grade students of SMP Karang Jaya is merely one class with 22 students, the researcher


employ them all as the full samples which will participate in this research that will get the


Instrument of The Research

According to Arikunto (2013:136), research musical instrument is a devide used by the

researcher while collecting data to make his work become easier and to get better result,

complete and systematic in order to make the data easy to process.

The researcher will use several kinds musical instrument every bit follow:

Exam The researcher will employ pre-test and post-test to assess students' writing skill. The test

are aim to measure the studens' progress and consequence of teaching learning activities.


Observation is washed to measure of evolution the result of students study in

constructive and psychomotoric domain. This activity occur since didactics and learning process

and evaluating toward the activity the teacher and the students.


Questionnaire is a list of questions to be answered by a grouping of people to go

information. The questionnaireastward nerveless data/information from the students based on the

needs, involvement, similar and dislike about the teaching learning process.

Technique of Data Analyze

Information on students' writing and questionnaire were collected in line with the inst rument

(examination and questionnaire), it volition be scoring, calculating the mean score apply the post-obit



To measure the students' ability in writing earlier and later on doing the handling, where

is the Researcher apply pre-test and mail-test.

a. Scoring

First, the writer gives score to the students' writing. In giving score, the writer is going

to employ the scoring guidance taken from Heaton (1974:109-111) in Aryanti (2009), grades and

categories in 5 areas, simply she only takes three of them. They are content, grammer, and

vocabulary. The scoring is rated from one-4. Here is the explanation about them:

Table 3.2 Aspect of Scoring

The contents and structure very clearly

Fill clear simply incomplete arrangement

Content and incomplete designations

The contents and structure are unclear

Many kind words and nearly of all true

There are several types and almost all

words correctly

In that location are very few words and a lot of


There is no variation of the word and

about all wrong

Table iii.iii Classification of Students' Score

b. Computing the mean Score

To analyze mean score, the researcher volition use the formula of Bruce West. Tuckman



The data from questionnaire volition utilize Liker scale and than will be analyzed in

percentage to encounter students' motivation in learning writing. The researcher will use SPSS 17.0

programs to analyze the data.


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... According to Adeani (2020, p. 1), writing skill as a productive skill has an of import function in the teaching and learning process and the skills are related to each other. Lesnussa, et al., (2018) country that writing is one of the important aspects of learning English language. ...

  • Sayit Karim Sayit Karim
  • Budiarti
  • Suryo Sudiro

English language language teachers nowadays are challenged to present interesting and innovative means of teaching English to motivate their students to learn. Magic carte tin exist used every bit an culling learning medium toward the students' power to write a descriptive text. The present study attempts to effigy out students' ability in writing descriptive text utilizing magic carte and to draw the students' perceptions about the use of magic bill of fare in writing descriptive text. Therefore, a quantitative descriptive research design was practical. Furthermore, to obtain the data needed, a set of tests and questionnaires were administered to 36 participants (29 females and seven males) of the tenth-grade students. The findings revealed that the total mean of students' ability was categorized into skilful criteria (84%). It means that the students' ability in writing descriptive text is significantly improved. Moreover, the results of the questionnaire showed that students like using magic bill of fare because magic card is an interesting medium that would brand students savor studying, be active in writing, and be artistic in thinking. Likewise, magic card tin can enrich students' vocabulary equally it promotes students' creativity.

The article investigated students' cocky and grouping-driven motivation in learning Grammar & Construction 03 on target oriented activity. It aimed at exploring what factors influence the participants and their higher motivation between self and grouping-driven motivation are, and how their motivation progress is toward the target-oriented activity. This article applied three phases of motivation theory (Dornyei and Otto, 1998) and linguistic communication learning strategies (Dornyei, 2005). The results show that self-motivation is more dominant than group-driven motivation. Several factors influenced the motivational components which inhibit and heighten motivation on task. Considering the learning strategies, the participants tend to be more constructive by subjective values and norms, yet, emphasizing the chore, they can manage both motivation types to exist interdependence. Moreover, the participants' motivation stages testify that group-driven motivation progress is capable of enhancing motivation. Whereas, the downward scale of cocky-motivation as the result of the motivational disposition failed in generating enactment.

This enquiry constitutes a classroom action inquiry designed to better the students' reading ability through Numbered Heads Together (NHT) technique. The subjects of this written report were students (Grade XI IPA) of SMA Negeri Wawalesi, South Buru of 2016/2017 academic year. This study was conducted in two cycles past following the procedures of the activity research, planning, and acting, observing, and reflecting. Each cycle of the report encompassed two meetings of technique implementation and 1 meeting for the test. Furthermore, the finding also indicated that NHT technique was successful in improving students' reading ability. The improvement could be seen from the increment of students' hateful reading score from 51,00% in the preliminary written report, and 65,00% in the start exam, to 80,33% in the second test. Also, the finding indicated that NHT technique was constructive in enhancing the students' participation, especially in raising their hands to reply the questions during the answer-checking session.

The objectives of this inquiry were to find out improving students writing ability through cooperative script and also to discover out respondin using cooperative script method. In this research, the researcher conducted a classroom action inquiry as the method. This enquiry conducted in ii cycles and there were 2 meeting in each wheel. The researcher usedwritten examination and questionaire in collecting information. The using of written examination aimed to measure the students' ability in writing and the using of questionaire was to know the students' reply in learning procedure using cooperative script method. The result of the test showed that the students' hateful score in the prleiminary study test was 57,2, in cycle I was 66,95 and bicycle Ii was 74,1. The achievement of the test showed that the treatment was successful because the issue of the 2d bike was higher the commencement cycle exam. It is also supported by questionaire result. Students show their positive answer during the implementation of cooperative script method. This could be seen in their responses in questionnaire. In line with this event, the researcher ended that the use of cooperative script method improved students' skill in writing.

  • Widya Astuty Buton
  • Riki Bugis Riki Bugis

The objectives of this research were to detect out the utilize of Content-Based Instruction (CBI) better the students' English language speaking skill at the Tenth Grade of SMA Negeri Sawa and to notice out the use of Content-Based Teaching (CBI) tin make the students' interest in learning speaking. In this research, the researcher used pre-experiment blueprint. The research was conducted at the Tenth grade of SMA Negeri Sawa. The sample of the research consists of 23 students. The instruments were a speaking test and questionnaire. The data obtain from the exam were tabulated and analyzed into percentage and t-test. The result of t-test 21.314 and t-table 1,717 the level of significance α = 0.05 and the caste of freedom (df) = 23, where N1-1 = 22 the result of the information analyzed shows there is meaning unlike betwixt pre-test and post exam. The students as well involvement to use Content-Based Educational activity (CBI). Information technology proves past the outcome of questionnaire 70,22. Based on the result, the researcher ended that Content-Based Teaching (CBI) can improve the students speaking skill and the students' interest to use Content-Based Instruction (CBI) in learning procedure.

The objective of this research were (1)The employ of video to meliorate students' speaking skill at 10th grade in SMA Negeri ane Namlea and (two) The students' interest in learning speaking skill through video. This research employed quasi experimental design. The sample consists of 32 students of the 1 st class in SMA Negeri 1 Namlea. The enquiry data were collected using three kinds of instrument: test, questionnaire, and observation for students' interest. Data on students speaking performance were analyzed descriptive text use video and the information on students' questionnaire were analyzed by using Liker scale. The event of the enquiry was (1) The comeback of students speaking skill in oral descriptive text by using video (2) The students' involvement in learning speaking by using video. It tin be ended that the use video in descriptive text improve the students' speaking skill in term of fluency and pronunciation and the students had loftier involvement on video in educational activity speaking.

The objectives of this research was find out whether the use of scramble game there are whatsoever different meaning improvement of students' vocabulary and to observe out the motivate between the pretest and posttest of the students' vocabulary later on they take been handling. This research employed Pre-Experimental design namely The 1-group pre-posttest design where the researcher did an experiment in the researcher was used random sampling technique. This inquiry merely focus one group. The sample consisted of eighteen students at The 7th Course of MTS LKMD Sawa. The data were collected through writing test to obtain data of students' Vocabulary. Data on students' Vocabulary were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics through SPSS programme version xx.0. The result of the research was: The use of scramble game in teaching vocabulary improved the students' vocabulary and information technology can be concluded that the using of scramble game is effective to be implemented in improving the students' vocabulary, and students' interested to learning vocabulary through scramble game.

  • Wa Ode Mutiara
  • Riki Bugis Riki Bugis

This research studied nearly the use of recollect pair share method to improve studens' reading ability. This research attempted to find out Is the use of call back pair share method tin can improve educatee'southward reading ability and the pupil's response to the using of retrieve pair share method. The subject of this research are the eight course students of MTs. Lala. The researcher used a classroom activeness inquiry as a method in this reseach. The researcher as well used exam in the teaching leaning procces. Based on the findings of the research, the researcher found that the students who got score 56 or more was in the cycle 1was 53,33% or five students and 100% or all the students got score 56 or more in bicycle two.

The study aimed at measuring the result of translanguaging arroyo in teaching Standard arabic reading comprehension to the 2d semester students of Indonesian Educational activity Department, Universitas Iqra Buru. 64 students involved every bit the participants through simple random sampling technique. 32 students participated in each of the experimental and control group. The researchers used reading test of written test to obtain data about the students' achievemnt in reading on the employ of translanguaging approach and it was distributed to the respondents after the last treatment given. To find out the mean score, standard deviation and the t-exam value between the pretest and the posttest the researchers used the SPSS 17 program. The researchers found that the utilize of translanguaging arroyo in learning Standard arabic reading comprehension improves the students' ability of Arabic reading comprehension is better than the conventional method.

  • Azwan Azwan Azwan Azwan

The study aims to make up one's mind the politeness strategies of refusal used by the Ambonese in refusing requests, and to determine the affects of social human relationship towards politeness strategies of refusal used by the Ambonese in refusing requests. The data were taken from 25 respondents of Ambonese in Namlea sub-district, Buru Regency of Maluku Province past recording the conversations in any state of affairs and taking annotation to remember every little thing that would exist happened between the interlocutors. The analysis was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The results showed that Ambonese people more likely to combine more 2 or iii strategies in refusing requests. In the interaction betwixt strangers, Ambonese people tend to use positive politeness strategy such equally expressing gratitude which is combined by addressed grade, reason and offer new solutions. In solidarity politeness system such as intimate relationship, Ambonese people tend to combine addressed form, reason, promise, joke or offer new solution as sub-strategies of positive politeness strategy. In hierarchical politeness organization, Ambonese people tend to use negative politeness strategy such every bit amends, give deference and be conventionally indirect.

  • Musyawir Musyawir

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis penyimpangan prinsip kesantunan berbahasa dan penyebab penyimpangannya. Jenis penelitian ini tergolong penelitian kualitatif. Teori utama yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data hasil penelitian adalah teori pragmatik, Geoffrey Leech tentang prinsip kesantunan berbahasa. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh tuturan siswa atau wacana percakapan lisan dan informasi situasi tutur. Adapun sumber datanya diperoleh dari siswa kelas Eleven SMA Negeri 2 Panca Rijang Sidenreng Rappang. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada tuturan yang terjadi dalam interaksi belajar-mengajar untuk mengetahui wujud jenis dan penyebab penyimpangan prinsip kesantunan berbahasa di kelas XI SMA Negeri ii Panca Rijang Sidenreng Rappang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik rekam, teknik catat, dan wawancara tidak terstruktur. Analisis data melalui empat tahapan,yakni pengumpulan information, reduksi data, penyajian sekaligus penganalisisan data dengan teori pragmatik, Geoffrey Leech tentang prinsip kesantunan berbahasa, dan penyimpulan /verifikasi. Keabsahan data diperoleh melalui ketekunan pengamatan, perpanjangan pengamatan, pemeriksaan dan diskusi sejawat, serta triangulasi.