Mosquito bites in children are more likely to occur than in adults since children tend to be more than active outdoors. Several kinds of mosquitoes be, merely merely three, Anopheles, Culex, and Aedes, are responsible for human being bites and are clinically significant (1).

Female mosquitoes are the only ones that seize with teeth since they need blood as a source of fe and protein to nurture their eggs (two). Mosquito bites are generally harmless but can occasionally induce allergic reactions or cause mosquito-borne diseases in children.

Read on to know more about musquito bites, potential allergic reactions, and preventative strategies for kids.

Symptoms of Mosquito Bites in Children

When a female mosquito punctures the pare to suck blood, it mixes saliva into our bloodstream. The chemicals in the mosquito's saliva prevents the blood from clotting and causes an immune response that leads to redness, itching, and swelling (three).

According to American University of Allergy Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) this contact between the skin and tip of musquito's mouth should exist for at to the lowest degree half dozen seconds for whatsoever reaction to occur (iii). Few of the common symptoms of mosquito seize with teeth include the following ( 2, 4).

  • Reddish bumps (raised area where mosquito fleck): These itchy blood-red bumps may appear hours or days after a mosquito seize with teeth and may last for a few days.
  • Itchy or irritated skin
  • Swelling: When a bite occurs on the upper face, it may cause swelling around the optics that may last for a couple of days. Children between the ages of one to v years may experience swelling that is large and pink in colour.

Allergic Reactions and Emergency Symptoms in Children

Allergic reactions from a musquito bite can vary among children. Usually, people who accept go desensitized (less sensitive or insensitive to musquito seize with teeth) may not prove any appreciable reaction (ane).

According to AAAAI, young children may not ofttimes react at all to the mosquito bites for the same reason (iii). Although, tiny reddish bumps may appear in some people.

Whereas, others (sensitized) may sometimes present serious reactions to mosquito bites. These reactions may include the following ( 2, 3).

  • Blistering lesions
  • Larger hives (a rash of round, red welts on the skin that itch intensely, sometimes with dangerous swelling, caused by an allergic reaction) around the bite along with fever or joint swelling
  • Anaphylaxis: Although rare with musquito bites, anaphylaxis is a life threatening status characterized by hives, throat swelling, faintness or wheezing.

In many cases, mosquito bites tin can cause an infection or a disease. Y'all should seek medical attention if your child presents the following symptoms (ii).

  • Symptoms of anaphylaxis
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Bodyache
  • Rashes
  • Nausea
  • Centre irritation
  • Fatigue or tiredness

Adventure Factors for Mosquito Bites

Body olfactory property, heat, light, sweat, carbon dioxide and lactic acid attract female mosquitoes (3). Few factors make people more prone to mosquito bites ( two, 4).

  • Males are more prone than females
  • Warm trunk temperatures
  • Dark colored clothing (particularly for the mosquitoes that seize with teeth during the daytime)
  • Perfumed products including soaps and shampoos
  • Breath odors
  • Sweat
  • Blood type: A study showed that people with blood group O concenter more Aedes albopictus mosquitoes than A, B, and AB blood grouping (5).


Mosquitoes act as vectors (carriers) of several diseases including ( vi, 7)

  • Chikungunya
  • Malaria
  • Dengue
  • Zika virus
  • W Nile virus
  • Yellow fever
  • Encephalitis

In improver, complications may arise due to mosquito bites and other insect bites. These can include the following (i, iv).

  • Skeeter syndrome: Some children may develop Skeeter syndrome post-obit a mosquito bite. It is a rare inflammatory reaction to the musquito's saliva. The symptoms can include a large expanse of swelling, redness, rut, and itching or pain (viii).
  • Impetigo: Information technology is a contagious bacterial peel infection that most commonly bear upon children between the ages of two to v years (ix). It is caused by picking and scratching the itchy skin at the site of the bite. Information technology can result in soft scabs, pus, or sores.
  • Cellulitis: This status is also a bacterial infection that spreads to the skin. Symptoms can include redness, pain, heat, swelling on the skin along with blisters or bruises (10).
  • Lymphangitis: This bacterial infection tin spread to the lymph channels. The most common symptom is a crimson line on the pare that goes up the arm or leg. In some cases, the infection may spread into the bloodstream, causing sepsis in more severe cases.

Treatment for Mosquito Bites In Children

Usually, a local reaction from musquito bites resolve on their ain within 10 days (1). In addition, if symptoms of anaphylaxis announced, seek immediate medical treatment. However, mosquito-borne diseases may require medical attention.

Following tips tin help salve the symptoms in your child when the reaction is localized ( ii, iii).

  • Water ice pack: Elevating the affected area and applying ice packs can help reduce swelling and pain.
  • Cleaning the blisters: Cleaning the blisters with soap and h2o without breaking them will help reduce itching and infection.
  • Over-the-counter lotion: Applying an over-the counter lotion to the affected area tin can also help to reduce symptoms.
  • Topical steroids or oral antihistamines: In cases where itching persists, topical steroids, anti-crawling creams, and oral antihistamines tin can exist recommended.

Loratadine, an antihistamine has been shown to reduce pare reaction symptoms, peculiarly in children (11). Apply of hydrocortisone foam is not recommended in children.

Overuse of anesthetics or antihistamines should be avoided in children as it may cause side effects over a longer menstruation of time.

  • Autoinjectable epinephrine: Incase your kid has been diagnosed with insect anaphylaxis, doctors can recommend carrying autoinjectable epinephrine.

Epinephrine works by reversing the symptoms of anaphylaxis. For example, a person's claret force per unit area plummets during an anaphylactic reaction because the blood vessels relax and dilate – epinephrine causes the blood vessels to constrict, which raises blood force per unit area.

Abode Remedies for Musquito Bites in Children

You may also try the following home remedies to relieve itching and swelling. However, if your kid shows other symptoms such equally fever, blisters, rashes, bodyache, or nausea, yous should seek firsthand medical attention.

  1. Oatmeal: Oatmeal has been used for ages for its anti-itch and anti-inflammatory properties. Certain chemic compounds (avenanthramides) in oats piece of work as an anti-irritant (12). Therefore, a warm oatmeal bath or oatmeal paste may help relieve the symptoms of mosquito seize with teeth.
  1. Vinegar: Dabbing a drib of vinegar on a mosquito bite tin can assist reduce itching. With its natural disinfectant backdrop, it tin can work against skin irritation. Using a washcloth soaked in common cold water and vinegar solution can also provide more relief.
  1. Baking soda: A solution of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and water can likewise ease the symptoms of a mosquito bite.
  1. Aloe vera: Aloe vera gel has been known to show anti-inflammatory action. Therefore, applying the gel directly to the site of mosquito bite can assist save the symptoms.
  1. Basil: A chemic compound, eugenol, in basil has been known to be constructive against itchy skin. Basil leaves boiled in water or as paste tin, therefore, exist used to provide relief from mosquito bite.
  1. Beloved: With its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory backdrop, dear can exist used on on the itchy mosquito bite.
  1. Thyme: Thyme is known to take antibacterial and antifungal properties. Its leaves can be used confronting musquito seize with teeth to relieve itching and skin irritation.

Preventing Mosquito Bites in Children

Prevention is better than cure! Y'all may follow these tips to keep your kid safe from mosquito bites (xiii).

1. Getting rid of mosquito convenance areas

  • Remove water (continuing) in old tires, toys, buckets, rain gutters, plastic covers, bloom pots, or any other container.
  • Keep bird baths and swimming pools clean.

2. Using recommended pesticides

  • For mosquito larvae, use advised methods to control their growth.
  • For adult mosquitoes, use recommended insecticides.

3. Using musquito barriers

  •  Keep your doors, windows, and open spaces covered or airtight with mesh.
  • Encompass children's beds with musquito nets.

4. Fugitive mosquito bites

  • Keep your child safe by making them wear clothes that cover normally exposed trunk parts such every bit pants, full sleeve clothes, and socks.
  • Stay indoors when mosquito-borne diseases are at acme.
  • Use approved musquito repellents such equally DEET (diethyltoluamide). Make sure to read instructions and precautions carefully when using in your child's room as these repellents may cause eye irritation dry out peel, or rash.

When to run into a Doc

Seek immediate medical help if your child experiences following symptoms (4).

  • The redness or red streak is spreading along with fever.
  • Your child looks sick.
  • Hurting or redness is spreading 24 hours afterwards the bite.
  • Pain and redness has increased 48 hours afterward the bite.
  • Fever
  • Sweeling is getting larger or filled with pus and has no relief from antibody ointment.
  • Severe itching that hasn't improved in 24 hours subsequently the use of steroid foam.
  • Symptoms of anaphylaxis appear such as faintiness, dizziness, swollen throat, and fever.

Mosquito bites are relatively harmless. However, in some cases they may cause allergic reactions. Protecting your child is the all-time defense. If your child shows symptoms of a mosquito seize with teeth along with fever, malaise, increasing pain, puffiness, or redness, make certain to seek medical advice.

Take any useful feel to share on mosquito bites, feel free to share it in the comments below.


MomJunction's manufactures are written afterward analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their corresponding fields. Yous can learn more than near the actuality of the information nosotros nowadays in our editorial policy.

1. Seda, J., Horrall, Southward. Mosquito Bites: StatPearls Publishing LLC. (2019).
2. Mosquito Bites: Cleveland Dispensary. (2018).
three. Have a bite out of mosquito stings: American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology. (north.d.).
four. Musquito Bites: Children's Colorado Infirmary. (n.d.).
5. Shirai, Y., Funada, H., Takizawa, H., Seki, T., Morohashi, Thou., & Kamimura, K. Landing preference of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) on man skin among ABO blood groups, secretors or nonsecretors, and ABH antigens: Periodical of medical entomology, 41 (four), 796-799. (2004).
6. Musquito Bites: U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2019).
7. Mosquito-borne diseases: Baylor College of Medicine. (n.d.).
8. Skeeter syndrome definition: American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology. (due north.d.).
9. Cole, C., & Gazewood, J. D. Diagnosis and treatment of impetigo: American family physician, 75(6), 859-864. (2007).
x. Cellulitis in children: Stanford Children'southward Health. (n.d.).
11. Karppinen, A., Kautiainen, H., Reunala, T., Petman, Fifty., Reunala, T., & Brummer‐Korvenkontio, H. Loratadine in the treatment of mosquito‐bite‐sensitive children: Allergy, 55(7), 668-671. (2000).
12. Sur, R., Nigam, A., Grote, D., Liebel, F., & Southall, M. D. Avenanthramides, polyphenols from oats, exhibit anti-inflammatory and anti-itch action: Archives of Dermatological Research, 300(10), 569. (2008).
xiii. Tips to preclude musquito bites: Usa Ecology Protection Bureau. (n.d.).

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Dr. Atiqur Rahman Khan is an experienced senior neonatologist and pediatrician with over xx years of experience. He has been working under the Ministry of Health at Maternity and Children's Hospital Saudi Arabia for more than 15 years. Having completed his undergraduation from Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Dr. Khan went on to do his post graduation from Erevan State... more than

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